F-16 Viper Demo Team
F-16 Viper Demo Team time, the Boneyard Safari crew is out at the #HyundaiAirandSeaShow see if you can spot us. #boneyardsafari

Miami Beach Air Show
"Remember, boys, no points for second place." the Boneyard Safari crew is out at the #HyundaiAirandSeaShow see if you can spot us....

Hawkeye Launch
From the archives (1986), here is a Hawkeye and a Viking preparing to launch off of Big John. #e2hawkeye #s3viking cv67 #usskennedy...

FOD Walk
FOD Walk time, very critical on any airfield and more so onboard an aircraft carrier. Btw who can name this flattop?...

USS Kitty Hawk
Flashback to USS Kitty Hawk returning to San Diego #navycarriercentennial #usskittyhawk #cv63 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

C-141C 67-0166
Flash back to a beautiful photo of the last Starlifter built C-141C 67-0166, she had the last C-141 operational flight in 2006 to Scott...

Tomcat Sunset
Sunset #tomcattuesday here is a unique shot of the Turkey getting gas from a KC-130 #f14 #navalaviation #usnavy #topgun #aviationsafari...

Tomcat Tuesday
More #tomcattuesday here is an F-14 being prepped for launch off of Big John #CV67 #f14 #navalaviation #usnavy #topgun #aviationsafari...

F-14A 160898
More #tomcattuesday here is F-14A 160898 At Palm Springs Air Museum #f14 #navalaviation #usnavy #topgun #aviationsafari...

Tomcat Launch
It’s #tomcattuesday here is a Turkey launching off of Big John #cv67 #usskennedy #navalaviation #topgun #f14 #aviationsafari...