What aircraft is this?
What aircraft are we in? #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Now that’s a gaggle of Turkey’s and Hornet’s launching off of Indy! #cv62 #ussindependence #navycarriercentennial #f14 #f18...

F-4S 155539
#f4bunnyroadtrip checking out F-4S 155539 before she makes her trip to Castle Air Museum #navalaviation #f4phantom #aviationsafari...

Just nosing around a C-27A in storage. #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #c27

Name that aircraft
Who can identify this aircraft? #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Naval Aviation Collection at Pima Air & Space
If you love Naval Aviation then Pima Air and Space is the place to visit with there amazing collection of aircraft, how many can you...

SR-71 61-7951
Blackbird lovers, you can sure get a close look at SR-71 61-7951 at Pima Air and Space #usaf #blackbird #sr71 #pimaairandspacemuseum...

OV-10D 155499
Checking out OV-10D 155499, at Pima Air and Space #ov10 #ov10bronco #marineaviation #aviationpreservation #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari...

Intruder & Prowler
Side by side Intruder and Prowler, great comparison of the two airframes. #a6intruder #ea6b #navalaviation #aviationsafari...

Phrog Friday
It’s #phrogfriday and here is a CH-46 flying past LST 1194 USS La Moure County. #ch46 #lst1194 #marineaviation #aviationsafari...