Flashback to the construction of Big John, USS Kennedy #CV67. Here she is after being launch during final fit out. #usskennedy...

Tomcat Missile Loadout
More #tomcattuesday what’s your favorite #missile load out on an #f14, here are 6 AIM-54 Phoenix. #navalaviation #aviationsafari...

More #tomcattuesday here are two F-16N (F-16C/D Block 30) aggressors taking off with a Turkey in the background. They were in service...

F-14 Overflight
It’s #tomcattuesday here are four of them flying over #CVN69 USS Eisenhower #f14 #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Aircraft Carrier Evolution
#navycarriercentennial we take a look at their evolution, here is CVN-71 and CV-67, USS Kennedy (in the background) was the last...

Gooney Bird
Best way to check out a Gooney Bird, from inside another one. #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #c47

Phrog Love
Who misses the #phrog? #ch46 departing #usmc #marineaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

CV-67 USS Kennedy
More #tomcat action aboard CV-67, a focus on the changes to Aircraft Carrier Islands. On board USS Kennedy note that she and USS America...

Steamy Tomcat
A steamy day aboard Ike #cvn69 launching this #tomcat #f14 #navycarriercentennial #usnavy #navalaviation #aviationsafari...

Our condolences
The aviation community and BYS family lost a great friend and supporter this morning. Jason Alexander was a dedicated volunteer at...