Evolution of Nimitz Class carriers
As #navycarriercentennial continues we look at the evolution of Nimitz Class carriers. Here we have USS Abraham Lincoln in the...

VH-34C 57-1684
Check out VH-34C 57-1684 at Pima Air and Space back out on display after restoration. #h34 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

#rf4roadtrip continues across Texas
#rf4roadtrip with an overnight stop in Van Horn, TX RF-4C 67-0438 is back on the road this morning. If you are near I-20 you will see...

Name that carrier
Name that carrier? #navycarriercentennial #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #navalaviation

#rf4roadtrip has begun for RF-4C 67-0438
#rf4roadtrip has begun for RF-4C 67-0438 on her way to Meridian, MS. If you see us take a picture and tag us with #rf4roadtrip. Here we...

Paul and Paul Jr. on #rf4roadtrip
#rf4roadtrip keep an eye out for Paul and Paul Jr. as they ride in RF-4C 67-0438 on the trip Mississippi. #usaf #rf4c #f4phantom...

#rf4roadtrip is about to start
Good morning from Pima Air and Space #rf4roadtrip is about to begin for RF-4C 67-0438. Keep an eye out for her on I-10 east headed from...

USS Independence CV-62
#navycarriercentennial Here is Indy (CV-62) making a hard turn, despite the elevator placement she was still a capable carrier....

RC-135 action
Check out the RC-135 hanging out in Tucson! #usaf #davismonthanafb #rc135 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

#rf4roadtrip is about to begin
Good morning from Pima Air and Space it’s time to load the fuselage of RF-4C 67-0438. #rf4roadtrip is about to begin as Worldwide...