Anyone seen an aircraft carrier around here? Here is an F-14A from VF-84 turning toward USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 #tomcattuesday...

A-6E 155713
When is the last time booped a plane? Here is A-6E 155713 at Pima Air & Space Museum with that nose how could you resist? #a6e...

It’s #midwaymonday here is USS Midway Museum CV-41 with USS Ranger CV-61 in the background circa 1982 #ussmidway #cv41 #ussranger #cv61...

USS Nashville LPD-13
Taking a closer look at air defenses aboard US Navy vessels, here is USS Nashville LPD-13. You can see here in 1988 she still retained...

E-1B 147227
She may have been the most attractive aircraft but she sure got the job done. Here is Grumman E-1B 147227 at Pima Air and Space...

Ok we can have two days of Sea King action, #seakingsunday here is a SH-3 from HS-5 taking off from USS Peterson DDG-969. #sh3 #flynavy...

USS Lexington AVT-16
As we celebrate #navycarriercentennial we look back to USS Lexington AVT-16 (CV-16) in the 1980’s when she served as a training carrier. ...

Screaming Mimi
The pilot of "Screaming Mimi" operates with masterful precision as he lifts new HVAC equipment onto the roof of the Bluebonnet Elementary...

USS Saipan LHA-2
Flash back to USS Saipan in 1986, she still had her 5”/54 Mod 2 guns. Quiet a variety of aircraft aboard, which can you identify?...

It’s #seakingsaturday here is an SH-3 from HS-5 flying near Ike CVN-69 in the Mediterranean back in the 1980’s. #flynavy #sh3 #seaking...