#f117roadtrip is in Arizona
The #f117roadtrip is in Arizona and ready to head to Pima Air and Space with F-117A 84-0810 Dark Angel. #f117 #usaf...

#f117roadtrip continues
The #f117roadtrip is hauling ass to Pima Air and Space with F-117A 84-0810 Dark Angel. #f117 #usaf #pimaairandspacemuseum...

We have begun the #f117roadtrip
The #f117roadtrip F-117A 84-0810 is on the road through Nevada to Pima Air and Space. #f117 #usaf #pimaairandspacemuseum...

#f117roadtrip has started
The #f117roadtrip to Pima Air and Space has begun with F-117A 84-0810 Dark Angel, today we travel through Nevada. #f117 #usaf...

We are starting out the #f117roadtrip to Pima Air and Space with F-117A 84-0810 Dark Angel, keep an eye out for us in the next few days...

Random Beech 18
Check out what we stumbled across today in western Nevada today, this Beech 18 has seen better days. #beech18 #aviationsafari...