MEU Training
CH-53E coming aboard USS Bataan LHD-5 conducting deck landing qualifications during Amphibious Squadron/MEU Integrated Training this last...

UH-1F 63-13141
We got to stop by The Titan Missile Museum and check out UH-1F 63-13141 today, that is one sexy Huey! #usaf #uh1f #huey...

Lady Lex
Flashback to 1992 with Lady Lex AVT-16 underway. #usslexington #CV16 #avt16 #flynavy #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari

Name that movie…..
Name that movie….. #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari #md80 #maddogName that movie….. #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari #md80 #maddog

King Stallion
The King can do it! CH-53K lifting an F-35 at Pax River #ch53k #flynavy #usmc #marineaviation #kingstallion #paxriver #aviationsafari...

Cat Shot
Hats off to Naval Aviators that flew jets off of straight deck carriers, here is FJ-2 Fury at the end of a cat launch #navalaviation...

Jumpjet Rescue
Anybody need a jump jet back? The King can do it! #ch53 #ch53k #superstallion #kingstallion #marineaviation

Marana Auxiliary Airfield #4 (Avra Field)
In our #avaitionsafari we came across the remains of Marana Auxiliary Airfield #4 (Avra Field). It was built in 1942 as one of several...

Caption? #a6intruder #flynavy #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari

P-3 Station
Who recognizes this staton on a P-3? #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #p3orion #flynavy