Which ship?
USS Midway CV-41 or USS Iowa BB-61….? #midwaymonday #midwaymagic #ussmidway #cv41 #ussiowa #bb61 #flynavy #aviationsafari...

C-130 or C-141
Herc or Starlifter….? #usaf #c130 #c141 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

F-4E 66-0304 wing tips up
Yes Phantoms did have unplanned wing tip up flights, here is a shot of F-4E 66-0304. Side note, she was transferred to Turkey in 1987....

C-130E 72-1294
Flashback to 1983 with C-130E 72-1294 in desert camo. She was later converted to an H model #Herc and retired in 2007, she was scrapped...

Corsair aboard USS Essex CVA-9 (1952)
A look back to 1952 with a F4U-5N a night fighter ready for launch from USS Essex CVA-9 off the coast of Korea. #f4u #f4ucorsair #ho3s...

Herc’s on the Autobahn
Herc on the Autobahn in the 80’s. #c130 #autobahn #vw #usaf #herclegacy #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

AGM-122 Sidearm
Flashback to the 80’s with a AH-1 armed with a AGM-122 Sidearm. The Sidearm was produced by the re-manufacture of AIM-9C missiles that...

Hands on Tour
We had a last minute Boneyard Safari Hands on Tour this weekend, with a father and son from the Netherlands that braved our heat and...

Sinking of USS Indianapolis CA-35
#OTD in 1945 USS Indianapolis CA-35 was sunk by a Japanese submarine I-58 after delivering the atomic bomb components to Tinian Island. ...

TR-1 80-1074
Flash back to 1985 with TR-1 80-1074 flying over San Francisco. #usaf #u2 #tr1 #sanfrancisco #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...