C-130A 54-1628
We take a look back at C-130A 54-1628, check out that Roman nose. She was the last C-130 side opening aft nose gear doors, check out the...

FRAM Conversions
We take a look back at USS Herbert J Thomas DD-833 undergoing the early stages of her FRAM (Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization...

Me-262 reference sheet
USAAF reference piece on the Me-262 from December of 1944. #me262 #usaaf #wwii #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari #aviationpreservation

JC-130B 57-0526
Flashback to July 1964 and we see JC-130B 57-0526, her job was to recover satellites returning to earth. She now resides at the Hill...

Burn to the moon on Apollo 11
#otd in 1969, Apollo 11 is headed to the moon and here is a look at docking with the LM which was still attached to the 3rd stage of the...

Midway Monday
It’s #midwaymonday and we start off the week with some #midwaymagic of looking back her in the 80’s at sea. #ussmidway #cv41 #flynavy...

Captured Me-262
A look back to 1945 at the end of WWII and a captured Me-262. #me262 #wwii #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Apollo 11 Ignition
And we have ignition of Apollo 11 #otd in 1969. #lightthatcandle #apollo11 #saturnv #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Trinity Test
#otd in 1945 the gadget was successfully detonated, the Trinity Test. The Atomic Age had begun. #trinitytest #atomicbomb #atomicage...

Maintenance Day
Well gang it’s maintenance day for the #boneyarddefender, time for some new brake pads. Back at the Aviation Safari tomorrow....