Who loves the Chinook?
Who loves the Chinook? #ch47 #chinook #armyaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

NASA F-15 (2006)
#otd F-15B #836 in flight with Quiet Spike attached. The project sought to verify the structural integrity of the multi-segmented,...

USS Trepang SSN-674 (1969)
#otd USS Trepang SSN-674 is launched at General Dynamics Electric Boat Division Yard, Groton, Connecticut, 27 September 1969....

USS Saratoga (1974
#otd USS Saratoga CVA-60 departing Naval Station Mayport, Florida, on 27 September 1974, good variety of aircraft on deck. #usssaratoga...

USS North Carolina BB-55 (1945)
#otd USS North Carolina BB-55 steams with USS Enterprise CV-6 and other ships, en route from Pearl Harbor to New York City, 27 September...

Taking a look at a LAPES from from a Herc, it was developed in 1964 and proved to be very beneficial in getting supplies to units in the...

USS Patterson DE-1061 (1971)
A look back at USS Patterson DE-1061 visiting a German port, circa June-July 1971, note she did not have the BPDMS Sea Sparrow launcher...

UH-1Y Venom (2017)
#otd Who loves the Venom? Here is a UH-1Y from MAWTS-1, maneuvers during Weapons and Tactics Instructor course (WTI) 1-18 at Yodaville,...

USS Wasp LHD-1 (1990)
#otd a look back at USS Wasp LHD-1 underway with crew members manning the rails on September 26th 1990. #usswasp #lhd1 #gatorboat...

USS Gudgeon SS-567 (1970)
A look back to 1970 with USS Gudgeon SS-567 underway in the Pacific Ocean. #ussgudgeon #ss567 #silentservice #aviationsafari...