USS Sperry AS-12 (1981)
Per request, USS Sperry AS-12 moored at Naval Base Point Loma in 1981. Check out the variety of submarines in the photo. #usssperry...

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from Capt. Bones and boy does he remind you of a few T-37 IP’s…. Just kidding. #happyhalloween #halloween #captbones...

Titan II lift off!
And we have lift off! More #titan2sday with a Titan II LGM-25C being launched from Vandenberg AFB in 1975. #usaf #titanii #lgm25c...

USS Independence CV-62 (1988)
Per request, here is Indy underway in 1988 off the coast of San Diego. #ussindependence #cv62 #flynavy #navalsafari #aviationsafari...

Titan Tuesday
It’s #titan2sday and we take a look topside of The Titan Missile Museum with UH-1F 63-13141 and behind it the Titan II reentry vehicle....

C-130A 56-0497 on the move
Spotted C-130A 56-0497 on I-10 headed west passing through Tucson today. We aren’t a part of this move, anyone know where she is headed?...

USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63 (1961)
Per request, USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63 as she left Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 29 April 1961. #usskittyhawk #cva63 #cv63 #flynavy...

USS Finback SSN-670 (1969)
#otd USS Finback SSN-670 underway off Newport News, Virginia, 30 October 1969. #ussfinback #ssn670 #silentservice #navalsafari...

USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 (1974)
#otd USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 off of Norfolk, Virginia, 30 October 1974. #ussiwojima #lph2 #norfolk #gatornavy #navalsafari #aviationsafari...

USS Sierra AD-18 (1946)
Per request, USS Sierra AD-18 moored to buoys with the masts visible of five destroyers moored to her port side. She was a destroyer...