Checkered Flag 24-1
Black T-38’s (MiG-28) sure look good. Here are two Talons assigned to the 7th Fighter Training Squadron flying over the Gulf of Mexico...

USS Yellowstone AD-41 (1980)
Per request, USS Yellowstone AD-41 underway in the Pacific Ocean during sea trials, 29 May 1980. #ussyellowstone #ad41 #navalsafari...

USS Maryland BB-46 (1942)
#otd USS Maryland BB-46 underway, 8 November 1942. #ussmaryland #bb46 #battleship #wwii #navalsafari #aviationsafari...

USS Cole DD-155 (1942)
#otd USS Cole DD-155 photographed during the North African Invasion Campaign in WWII. Her mast was removed to facilitate her role in the...

Harpoon Away
We take a look back at the battleship USS New Jersey BB-62 launching an RGM-84 Harpoon during tests on the Pacific Missile Test Center...

Ocean Safari 85
A look back to Ocean Safari 85 with USS Iowa BB-61 refueling USS Halyburton FFG-40, which is your favorite? #ussiowa #bb61...

USS Midway CV-41 (1981)
It’s #midwaymonday, and we take a look at USS Midway CV-41 entering Subic Bay in 1981. #ussmidway #cv41 #midwaymagic #subicbay #flynavy...

USS Ingraham FFG-61 (1993)
Per request, here is a look at USS Ingraham FFG-61 underway in June of 1993. Note the SM-1 hanging on the rail of Mk-13 Mod 4 launcher....

USS Yorktown CV-10 (1943)
November 1943, board USS Yorktown CV-10 crewmen check bomb fuzes, before loading them on the carrier's planes. Yorktown was then hitting...

Curtiss AB-2 Launch
#otd The first catapult launch from a ship at Pensacola Florida on 5 November 1915. Curtiss AB-2 seaplane was piloted by Lieutenant...