USS Kidd DDG-993 (1983)
A look back to USS Kidd DDG-993 executing a turn to port while underway off the Virginia Capes, November 1989. She still serves today...

Boeing Guest House
Tucson has some great aviation history, here is something very cool. Engineer Toshikazu Tsukii built a guest house out of a 707, 727,...

USS Reid DD-369
#otd USS Reid DD-369 at sea, November 29, 1937. She was commissioned in 1936 and served until 1944 when she was sunk by a Japanese...

P-40 Carrier Launch (1942)
Here is an interesting photo of a P-40 being catapulted from USS Chenango CVE-28, to fly shore for combat operations in Morocco, November...

SS Strathnaver (1943)
#otd S.S. Strathnaver underway in the Atlantic, 28 November 1943, as seen from a ZP-12 blimp. Converted passenger liners were the...

Titan II Missile Site Construction
It’s #titan2sday and we take a look back at the construction of a Titan II Missile Site in the early 1960’s. The sites were excavated,...

USS Hornet returns to Pearl +3
#otd Crewmen man the rail of the USS Hornet CVS-12 as she arrives in port at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii with the Apollo 12 Command Module and...

HS-2 Seaplane (1918)
#otd an air to air view of HS-2 seaplane at 1000 feet, from NAS Miami Florida, 28 November 1918. #hs2 #nasmiami #flynavy #navalaviation...

Tarawa landings (1943)
A look back to the northwestern end of Betio Island, Tarawa, November 1943, with Beach Red 1 at left and Green Beach in center and right....

HMS Diamond D32
Check out HMA Mk2 ZZ415 Wildcat of 815 Naval Air Squadron, departs from HMS Diamond D32 armed with Martlet missiles as part of the...