Turkey climbing
This Turkey is going vertical, yours is being cooked! lol couldn’t resist. Here is an F-14A from VF-84 doing Tomcat things in 1993....

Checkered Flag
Checkered Flag, who is the best of the best? #usaf #f15 #f22 #18 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

F-14 aboard Big John
More Turkey action with one on an elevator aboard Big John in 1993. #happythanksgivng #thanksgiving #f14 #f14a #ussjohnfkennedy #cv67...

Hands on Tour
Want to skip Black Friday shopping madness? Come join us tomorrow morning in Tucson and you get to check out this retired US Navy P-3...

F-14A 160648
#blackfriday ideas to avoid the shopping madness, you can check out this beautiful Turkey F-14A 160684 at Pima Air and Space...

Turkey Takeoff!
Launching into Thanksgiving with a Turkey on the burners and departing Big John in 1986. #happythanksgivng #thanksgiving #f14 #f14a...

IFT-2 Launch Hot Staging
Here is a look at the hot staging from last weekends IFT-2 launch of SpaceX Starship. #spacex #ift2 #starship #hotstaging ...

Things to do in Tucson this Friday
Want to skip Black Friday? Come join us on Friday for our Boneyard Safari Hands on Tour in Tucson. #nasa #c130 #skipblackfriday...

Boneyard Defender
#boneyarddefender was in good company today with this C-123, and another beautiful day in Tucson. #c123 #usaf #usn #usmc #usarmy...

C-130 Carrier Launch
#otd KC-130F 149798 launching from the deck of USS Forrestal CVA-59 off the coast of Jacksonville, November 21, 1963. #c130carriertakeoff...