F3D-2 124630
Got bite you say? Well F3D-2 124630 did have a bite. #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum...

B-25J 44-86727
How about some Mitchell action for the day? Here is B-25J (PBJ) 44-86727 of the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum, Worldwide aircraft...

What is this?
Who knows what this is? #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Paul and Family
We had to give a look back to Paul and Family adventures on the #b52roadtrip, here we had just made it to Hobbs New Mexico....

USS Midway CVA-41 (1971)
It’s #midwaymonday and we look back at USS Midway CVA-41 underway in the Pacific Ocean in April 1971. #ussmidway #cva41 #cv41 #midwaymagic...

R4D-8 5083
Ok getting to do something fun with Worldwide aircraft recovery and that is open up R4D-8 50835, it’s a time capsule inside. #r4d #c47...

What aircraft is this?
Who can identify this aircraft? #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

WWII Corsair
A look back at F4U-1A 55995 of VF-17, March 1944, at the end of VF-17's Solomons combat tour. #f4u #corsair #wwii #solomons...

Forrestal back in the day
Here is a look back at USS Forrestal CVA-59, there are some classic birds aboard. #ussforrestal #cv59 #cva59 #flynavy #aviationsafari...

Favorite nose?
Which nose do you love? #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum #aviationsafari...