A look at B-25J 44-86727
B-25J 44-86727 walk around #b25 #usmc #marineaviation #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum #worldwideaircraftrecovery #aviationsafari...

Sub Hunting in the Aleutians
#otd A U.S. Navy destroyer drops depth charges on a suspected submarine contact off Attu while covering the invasion of that island, 13...

Follow up
Follow up to the searchlights at Cabrillo National Monument. #wwi #wwii #cabrillonationalmonument #sandiego #aviationsafari...

Bit of History from Cabrillo National Monument
WWI & WWII history at Cabrillo National Monument and worth the hike. #wwi #wwii #cabrillonationalmonument #sandiego #aviationsafari...

Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day from San Diego. #mothersday #sandiego #takecareofmom #spoilmom #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Too funny!
Because we love the movie Airplane. #airplane #airplanethemovie #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Phantom Facts
Phantom Facts, here is one about the RF-4 that you might not know. #Rf4 #f4 #f4phantom #rf4b #usmc #marineaviation #aviationsafari...

Launching into the weekend!
Let’s launch into the weekend with a Turkey ready to go aboard USS Saratoga in 1986. #f14 #f14tomcat #tomcat #usssaratoga #cv60 #flynavy...

USS Ranger CV-61 (1989)
A look back at USS Ranger CV-61 in 1989. #ussranger #cv61 #flynavy #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Huey Action
Since we are on the hunt for a Huey, here are a pair in 2000 flanking a pair of M551A1 Armored Reconnaissance Airborne Assault Vehicles...