Midway Monday
It’s #midwaymonday and we look back at USS Midway CVA-41 during the summer of 1970, still rocking the 5 inchers. #ussmidway #cva41 #cv41...

Caption? #usskittyhawk #cv63 #flynavy #navalsafari #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

P-3B AEW 155299 N145CS
Beautiful Sonoran Sunrise this morning at Pima Air and Space with their new addition on display the P-3B AEW 155299 N145CS. #p3b #p3aew...

Phrog Action!
How about some Monday morning #phrog action? Here are CH-46E Sea Knights from HMM-163 conducting aerial troop assault on Red Beach, Camp...
Hands on Tour
We had a fun Hands on Tour yesterday, lots of plane jokes and exploring aviation history! #handsontourn #737 #727 #c47 #handsontour...

Dragon Lady Action
Now thats a view you don’t see often, a U-2 at altitude from another U-2. We love the Dragon Lady and her amazing career! #u2...
Do you love the Starship?
Any #starship lovers out there? Here is #Beech #Starship 2000A N39TU at Pima Air and Space, did you know that its service ceiling was...

SOFIA Sunday
It’s #sofiasunday and we had a beautiful fall sunrise with #NASA #SOFIA 747SP N747NA at Pima Air and Space. #pimaairandspacemuseum...

Caption? #f111 #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Darkstar (1995)
#otd The Lockheed Martin/Boeing Darkstar unpiloted aerial vehicle on the ramp at Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California,...