Sea King Saturday
It’s #seakingsaturday and we look back to August of 1990 in the Persian Gulf with an SH-3 landing aboard USS Antietam CG-54 during...

Double Hornets!
Double Super Hornet launch from USS Nimitz CVN-68 last week. #superhornet #fa18e #f18e #ussnimitz #cvn68 #flynavy #navalsafari...

Per request, USS Wisconsin BB-64 firing a broadside to port with her 16/50 and 5/38 guns, circa 1988-91. #usswisconsin #bb64 #battleship...

USS Guadalcanal LPH-7 (1978)
Per request, USS Guadalcanal LPH-7 underway in the Atlantic, May 1978. Talk about using every inch of flight deck space. #ch46 #ch53...

C-130 Flap
Check out a C-130 Flap and Wing #c130 #c130hercules #hercules #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Caption? #p3 #p3orion #orionthehunter #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Tour time!
It’s time for another Hands on Tour and fall is finally here! #c123 #c123provider #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari...

Mine Clearing
Per request, Operation End Sweep, a CH-53D Sea Stallion of HMM-463 with a magnetic orange pipe in tow, sweeps Hon Bay, North Vietnam,...

Hellcat Launch in WWII
#otd USS Monterey CVL-26 launches an F6F at the start of the raid on Okinawa, 10 October 1944. #ussmonterey #cvl26 #f6f #hellcat...

Are you a Wing Walker?
Ever walked on the wing of a P-3? Come join us on one of our Hands on Tours #p3 #p3orion #orionthehunter #handsontour #tucson...