Favorite nose?
Which nose do you like better? Convair or Viscount? #viscount #convair #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...

A look back at MD-82 SE-RJH at her last stop in Kingman, AZ #maddog #md82 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...

Can you help us?
Alright gang we are trying to track down the last flight crew for this Gator (T-43A 71-1406), anyone know these guys? #t43a #737 #usaf...

Lady Lex
A look back at Lady Lex after her conversion to angled deck, do you have a story aboard her? #usslexington #cv16 #cva16 #avt16 #flynavy...

Who is that in the sky tonight?
Tonight look to the sky’s and you might just spot Santa out there…. Or.. someone else flying tonight. #santa #santainthesky #christmas...

New I Heart Janet T-Shirt
We got a sample of our I Heart Janet shirt in! Definitely have got a few curious looks. #janetair #janetairlines #737600 #737 #boeing...

We Honor You Holding the Line!
On this Christmas Eve, we take a moment to thank all of our loved ones that are holding the line in a land and sea far far away!...

Titan 2sday
It’s #titan2sday and we take a look at the blast locks at the The Titan Missile Museum. #titanii #titanmissilemuseum #lgm25c #tucson...

SOFIA Sunday
It’s #sofiasunday and we look back at NASA SOFIA arriving at Pima Air and Space #nasa #sofia #sofiateliscope #747sp...

USS Texas at Sea
#otd USS Texas BB-35 at sea, in 36-54N, 75-22W, on 21 December 1943. #usstexas #bb35 #wwii #navalsafari #aviationsafari...