Name that movie..
Yes it is Sofia 747SP N747NA at Pima Air and Space, but it really is a reminder of the movie…. #nasasofia #747sp #pimaairandspacemuseum...
Sofia 747SP N747NA
Today Sofia 747SP N747NA had the tertiary mirror assembly removed as it is going to Germany to be on display at a museum to inspire...
Sofia Mirror Lift
It’s lift day at Pima Air and Space for Sofia 747SP N747NA, the tertiary mirror assembly is being removed. #nasasofia #747sp...
We had the privilege of going aboard #NASA SOFIA #747SP #N747NA at Pima Air and Space, the the cockpit is amazing and the scientific...
Sofia Friday
It’s #phantomfriday, wait it’s #phrogfriday, wrong it’s Sofia Friday who is waaaayyyy bigger than all of them! Here is NASA Sofia 747SP...
SOFIA arrives in Tucson
Another look at SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Boeing 747SP N747NA arriving in Tucson yesterday for her new home...
SOFIA’s last flight
We were honored to document SOFIA’s (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) last flight to Tucson and her new home at Pima Air...
Sofia’s last flight
And we have lift off of NASA’s Sofia 747SP N747NA in route to her new home at Pima Air and Space in Tucson #nasasofia #747SP #nasa...