More SOFIA Sunday
More #sofiasunday at Pima Air and Space with Cathay Pacific 777 B-HNL, Orbis DC-10 N220AU & NASA SOFIA N747NA #nasa #sofia #n747na...

Sofia Sunday
It’s #sofiasunday and we take a look at NASA SOFIA N747NA now on display at Pima Air and Space along with some other lovely ladies of the...

It’s Hands on Tour time
It’s that time again for another Hands on Tour! #c47 #dc3 #boeing #handsontour #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Boneyard Cactus
This is for those that have joined us for our Hands on Tour, show us your #boneyardcactus photo! #handsontour #737 #tucson #t43a #boeing...

Boeing Guest House
Tucson has some great aviation history, here is something very cool. Engineer Toshikazu Tsukii built a guest house out of a 707, 727,...

VC-137B 58-6971
A look at the beautiful VC-137B 58-6971 at Pima Air and Space. #vc137 #kc135 #707 #boeing #usaf #freedomone #pimaairandspacemuseum...

What aircraft is this?
What aircraft are we in? #boeing #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

B-17’s in WWII
A look back to B-17's over Europe in WWII. #b17 #boeing #wwii #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

New Apache's arrive in Germany
How about some Apache and Moose action? A C-17 landed at Wiesbaden Army Airfield, Germany, last week. Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 214th...

B-52H 61-0007 (2015)
A look back to when B-52H 61-0007 Ghost Rider left storage in Tucson in 2015. #usaf #b52 #b52h #B52legacy #bufflegacy #boeing #ghostrider...