R4D-8 5083
Ok getting to do something fun with Worldwide aircraft recovery and that is open up R4D-8 50835, it’s a time capsule inside. #r4d #c47...
Favorite nose?
Which nose do you love? #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum #aviationsafari...
Intruder action
Here is A-6E 154170 of the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum that Worldwide aircraft recovery will be moving soon. ##a6 #a6e...
Avenger Strong
Checking out the Avenger today, pretty cool platform. #avenger #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery...
BTS with A-6E 154170
Ok gang, a little behind the scenes for Sunday. You get to see the imagery and video we share, there is a significant amount of work...
RF-4B 151981
It’s #phantomfriday, who loves a recce #phantom here is RF-4B 151981, Worldwide aircraft recovery has started working on preparing her...
Here is the answer
We asked you what aircraft this is… and here you go. #f4d #f4dskyray #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery...
Paul is on the road!
Paul is on the road! #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum #aviationsafari...
Rolling out
We are rolling out of MCAS Miramar, keep an eye out for us on I-5 north today. #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery...
Paul is back!
Paul is riding with us today! #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum #aviationsafari...