USS Hornet CV-12 is 80!
#otd in 1943 USS Hornet CV-12 was commissioned, here she is in 1945 operating near Okinawa, painted in camouflage Measure 33, Design 3a....

USS Reid DD-369
#otd USS Reid DD-369 at sea, November 29, 1937. She was commissioned in 1936 and served until 1944 when she was sunk by a Japanese...

SS Strathnaver (1943)
#otd S.S. Strathnaver underway in the Atlantic, 28 November 1943, as seen from a ZP-12 blimp. Converted passenger liners were the...

USS Hornet returns to Pearl +3
#otd Crewmen man the rail of the USS Hornet CVS-12 as she arrives in port at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii with the Apollo 12 Command Module and...

HS-2 Seaplane (1918)
#otd an air to air view of HS-2 seaplane at 1000 feet, from NAS Miami Florida, 28 November 1918. #hs2 #nasmiami #flynavy #navalaviation...

USS Essex CV-9 (1944)
#otd USS Essex CV-9 attacked by a Japanese kamikaze off the Philippines on November 25, 1944. #USSEssex #cv9 #kamikaze #wwii #navalsafari...

USS Shangri-La CVA-38 (1960)
#otd USS Shangri-La CVA-38 at sea, with AD Skyraiders of VA-176 on deck, 25 November 1960. #ussshangrila #cva38 #cv38 #skyraider #flynavy...

R5D taking flight
#otd Douglas R5D-1 39180 taking off from an airfield in Guam for an eastbound flight, 25 November 1944. Note R4D in the background #r5d...

C-130 Carrier Launch
#otd KC-130F 149798 launching from the deck of USS Forrestal CVA-59 off the coast of Jacksonville, November 21, 1963. #c130carriertakeoff...

TBF Avenger (1943)
#otd, TBF Avenger on patrol over Makin Island in the Gilbert Group, 20 November 1943. #tbf #tbfavenger #wwii #makinislnd #flynavy...