Hands on Tour
We had a fun Hands on Tour yesterday, lots of plane jokes and exploring aviation history! #handsontourn #737 #727 #c47 #handsontour...
Do you love the Starship?
Any #starship lovers out there? Here is #Beech #Starship 2000A N39TU at Pima Air and Space, did you know that its service ceiling was...
SOFIA Sunday
It’s #sofiasunday and we had a beautiful fall sunrise with #NASA #SOFIA 747SP N747NA at Pima Air and Space. #pimaairandspacemuseum...
Vader Boop
Too soon for a Vader boop? We will make it up to you tomorrow, it’s Saturday night and got a chuckle! #vader #jamesearljones #darthvader...
Hands on Tour visitors
We had a wonderful couple join us for our #handsontour today from Switzerland, they shared how they have preserved the legacy of B-17...
Too boop or not to boop….
It’s time for another #handsontour this morning, the bigger question is…. Too boop or not to boop…. #c123 #boneyardboop #handsontour...
Aviation exploration in the Sonoran Desert
Ok gang, next week we will be in the field documenting a few aircraft crash sites in the #SonoranDesert with the #boneyarddefender. We...
Boneyard Cactus
#boneyardcactus the single most photographed thing while on our Hands on Tour, proof cactus can grow anywhere! #handsontour #737 #tucson...
Hands on Tour
We had a fantastic Hands on Tour on Sunday, with lots of laughs and plane jokes. We have our fall schedule posted and if you want to...
F-14A 160684 at Pima Air and Space
It’s #tomcattuesday and here is F-14A 160684 at Pima Air and Space, we mentioned last week about the mechanical over sweep of the wings...