Sad end for this T-37 Tweet
Sad end for this Tweet, it pains us to see a trusty aircraft to become a trophy hunters treasure. #usaf #t37 #t37tweet #upt...
A-10 Action
Here is some A-10 action from the weekend with the 104th Fighter Squadron of the Maryland Air National Guard doing some CAS training at...
OV-101 and OV-102 Ejection Seats
Only NASA Orbiter Enterprise OV-101 and Columbia OV-102 had ejection seats. Here is a look at the plans, Enterprise was a test platform...
Ejection Seats on Orbiter Columbia
Did you know that NASA Orbiter Columbia OV-102 had ejection seats? The first four STS missions flown by her had them active, by STS 5...
OV-10A 68-03787 Bronco
Who loves the Bronco? Here is OV-10A 68-03787 at the Air Force Museum. #ov10 #usaf #ov10bronco #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...
Hands on Tour time
Good morning from Tucson, it’s time for another Boneyard Safari Hands on Tour. #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...
A-10 Action
It’s #warthogwednesday and that is an awesome photo of the A-10! #a10 #usaf #brrrt #attack #aviationsafari #boneyardsafari...
Titan 2s Day
It’s #titan2sday and here is a look at The Titan Missile Museum with her new additions on the surface. #titanmissilemuseum...
T-37A #54-2737
Flashing back to 1965 and T-37A #54-2737 on the Ames Flight Research Center ramp, we have a special place in our hearts for the Tweet....
A-10 Action
It’s #warthogwednesday and here are a pair of A-10’s flying back in 2003. #a10 #usaf #a10warthog #brrrt #aviationsafari...