Our A-10 coffee mug
It’s #warthogwednesday and here is our I ❤️ Hawgs coffee mug. #a10 #a10warthog #usaf #hawg #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Warthog Wednesday
It’s #warthogwednesday and we check out this A-10 in 2006 over the Stan. #a10 #a10warthog #hawg #usaf #aviationsafari...

Hometown Hogs
More #warthogwednesday with one of our home town A-10’s taking off. #a10 #a10warthog #usaf #brrrt #visittucson #tucson...

A-10A 75-0298
It’s #warthogwednesday and we take a closer look at A-10A 75-0298 at Pima Air and Space. #a10 #a10warthog #usaf #brrrt...

A-10 Action!
Had to throw in some A-10 action for Saturday morning. #a10 #a10warthog #usaf #brrt #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

A-10A 80-0816 (1991)
A close-up view of the tail section of A-10A 80-0816 from the 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing. The plane sustained damage when an SA-16...

A-10 Action
Here is some A-10 action from the weekend with the 104th Fighter Squadron of the Maryland Air National Guard doing some CAS training at...

A-10 Action
It’s #warthogwednesday and here are a pair of A-10’s flying back in 2003. #a10 #usaf #a10warthog #brrrt #aviationsafari...

A-10 80-0149 retires
Last week A-10 80-0149 departed Moody AFB and retired to sunny Tucson at Davis-Monthan AFB #a10 #a10warthog #moodyafb #davismonthanafb...

A-10A 75-0298
You get a sense of the size of the GAU-8/A next to the Warthog and how the aircraft was designed around the gun. Here is A-10A 75-0298...