Found a Kiowa!
Driving along and you find an old school Kiowa.. #oh58 #armyaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...

Kiowa's still flying!
Did you know Tunisia operates our Kiowa’s that previously served in the US Army, along with M-60 tanks. #oh58d #kiowawarrior...

Kiowa Warriors!
We sure love our Kiowa crews, thanks Anne! #oh58d #kiowawarrior #armyaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Chinook Action
In Germany this week soldiers from 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment train simulating an extraction scenario with CH-47F 13-0835....
Little Bird Coffee Mug
Little Bird lovers, we have a coffee mug for you! #ah6 #ah6littlebird #littlebird #md500 #hughes500 #armyaviation #160thsoar...

Kiowa Legacy
More #kiowalegacy with a Kiowa from the 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Task Force Saber, flying a reconnaissance...

Kiowa Warrior
Who misses the Kiowa? We do! Flash back to 2006 near Kirkuk, Iraq, as a Kiowa Warrior from 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, patrols...

Time for paint
We got to check out Pima Air and Space RC-12K 85-0148 Guardrail that is being prepped for paint and then will go out on display. #rc12...

Who loves the Chinook
Who loves the Chinook? Here is CH-47F 17-08243 taking off from Fort Campbell, KY this week. #ch47 #ch47f #ch47chinook #armyaviation...

Who misses the Kiowa?
Who misses the Kiowa? #kiowawarrior #oh58d #armyaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #aviationadventures