B-52H 61-0007 (2015)
A look back to when B-52H 61-0007 Ghost Rider left storage in Tucson in 2015. #usaf #b52 #b52h #B52legacy #bufflegacy #boeing #ghostrider...

B-52H 61-0038
Checking out B-52H 61-0038. #B52 #b52legacy #usaf #b52h #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

B-52G 58-0183 Valkyrie
How about some #b52legacy action to start off Saturday with B-52G 58-0183 Valkyrie at Pima Air and Space, did you know she part of the...

52H 61-0034
On the anniversary of the B-52H’s first flight in 1961, we take a look at some of the #BUFF’s nose art. Here is B-52H 61-0034 Predator,...

50th Anniversary of Operation Linebacker II
It’s the 50th anniversary of Operation Linebacker II, here is a photo of B-52’s staging for the operation over North Vietnam....

Inverted B-52?
Some said they saw an inverted B-52, someone else said no way! Well here you go folks, from the archives a BUFF mounted on a pedestal at...

BUFF Legacy
BUFF Love! Here is tall tail B-52D 55-0067 at Pima Air and Space #usaf #b52 #bufflegacy #b52legacy #pimaairandspacemuseum...

Lift a wing off of a B-52
Flashback a year to when Damage Inc II B-52H 61-009 had her wing removed by Worldwide aircraft recovery. This was part of the preparation...

B-52H Tail Gun
#b52power check out the B-52H with the Vulcan tail gun #bufflove #usaf #b52 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #b52legacy

#b52power that’s how you show some #bufflove (note this is prior to the tail gun being removed) #usaf #b52 #aviationsafari...