#b52roadtrip flash back to July 2021
#b52roadtrip flash back to July 2021 when B-52H 61-009 arrived at Pima Air and Space and Worldwide aircraft recovery began the process of...
#b52roadtrip reunions
#b52roadtrip we were honored to meet William Green who was a tail gunner aboard F and G model B-52’s. He was thrilled to see B-52H...
#b52roadtrip reunions
#b52roadtrip we drove past you yesterday and you were holding a sign saying “I flew her” we didn’t get a chance to stop and talk to you,...
#b52roadtrip Paul Lopez and the Pima Air & Space Museum Team
#b52roadtrip we would like to introduce Paul Lopez of Pima Air and Space, he and the entire team were so helpful in preparing B-52H...
#b52roadtrip meet Jesse
#b52roadtrip we would like to introduce Jesse Bendt of Worldwide Aircraft Recovery, on this trip with B-52H 61-009 you will have seen him...
#b52roadtrip route
#b52roadtrip a lot of people asked what the route was for B-52H 61-009, here it is. 1407 miles in 19 days, no dings no dents. #usaf...
#b52roadtrip introduction
#b52roadtrip we would like to introduce Jay Penry of Worldwide Aircraft Recovery, when not dissembling or resembling an aircraft you will...
#b52roadtrip reunion
#b52roadtrip we had the opportunity to meet Jack Hood who served aboard B-52H 61-009 in Grand Forks from 1973 to 1980. #usaf #boeing #b52...
#b52roadtrip Congratulations
#b52roadtrip congratulations to Worldwide Aircraft Recovery and Ball & Son House Movers on moving B-52H 61-009 1407 miles from Tucson to...
#b52roadtrip final stop
#b52roadtrip B-52H 61-009 arrived in OKC. #usaf #boeing #b52 #rollsroyce #boneyardsafari #worldwideaircraft #ballsonmovers...