Huey Boop
Had to boop a Huey today. #boopaplane #boopahelo #boopahuey #boneyardboop #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Should we boop an Avenger…?
Do we see another plane to boop….. Should we? Happy Easter! #tbm #tbmavenger #boopaplane #boneyardboop #aviationsafari...

Skyray Boop
It’s a rainy day at MCAS Miramar, yup we couldn’t resist a boop on F4D 139177 Skyray. Have you booped a Skyray? #f4d #skyray #boopaplane...

Bronco boop…
Couldn’t resist an evening Bronco boop! #boopaplane #boneyardboop #ov10 #ov10bronco #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Do we say Boop?
Someone asked if we actually say boop when we boop an aircraft, yup. In this case with the Scooter…. Double boop! #boopaplane...

Boop an Intruder
An EA-6B was requested for a boop, best we could do is an A-6E Intruder, there is your morning plane boop. #a6 #a6e #a6intruder...

Boop a Crusader
Have you booped a Crusader? We just did. #boopaplane #boneyardboop #f8 #f8crusader #thelastgunfighter #aviationsafari...

Boop a plane a day
It’s time for your morning boop a plane, here is A-4M 160264, the last Skyhawk built. #boopaplane #boneyardboop #a4 #a4m #a4skyhawk...