A Tale of Tails
We got some tail action going on this morning, fall is finally here with some cool weather in Tucson! #c123 #t43 #737 #handsontour...

Halloween yet?
Solid moon rise behind the C-123 tonight! #c123 #c123provider #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Provider Sunrise
Check out the C-123 that’s part of our Hands on Tour and our awesome sunrise! #c123 #usaf #handsontour #tucson #visittucson...

Tour time!
It’s time for another Hands on Tour and fall is finally here! #c123 #c123provider #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari...

Office Day
Office day in the #boneyarddefender nice thing about the C-123 is the shade it can provide…catch the joke? #c123 #usaf #landrover...

Too boop or not to boop….
It’s time for another #handsontour this morning, the bigger question is…. Too boop or not to boop…. #c123 #boneyardboop #handsontour...

Hands on Tours this weekend
We have back to back Hands on Tours this weekend, join us and learn about how unique the C-123’s career was. #handsontour #tucson...

Learn about the history of the C-123
Come learn about the history of the C-123 on our next Hands on Tour #c123 #usaf #handsontour #visittucson #tucson #aviationsafari...

It’s Tour Time
Good morning from Tucson, it’s time for our Hands on Tour and sharing about the history of the C-123. #c123 #usaf #tucson #handsontour ...

Boneyard Defender
#boneyarddefender was in good company today with this C-123, and another beautiful day in Tucson. #c123 #usaf #usn #usmc #usarmy...