Caption? #c130 #lockheed #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #aviationadventures

Great Photo
That is a cool photo, here is a C-130J from Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi flying past Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, France during...

Hercs are the go too
The Herc proves it can be the go to platform for a variety of mission needs, here is NC-130H as a in-flight test bed for a Radar...
MAFFS System
Bravo to all the crews helping fight the LA fires, here is a look at the #MAFFS equipped Hercs at the Channel Islands Air National Guard...

Fat Albert JATO liftoff!
We look back at Fat Albert using JATO for a take off in 1984. #fatalbert #blueangels #jato #c130 #flynavy #aviationsafari...

Lift Off
Best way to launch into the week, with JATO! Here a Marine KC-130 lifts off in 1982. #jato #kc130 #c130 #usmc #marineaviation...

C-130J MAFFS in the battle now
A C-130J from the 146th Airlift Wing, equipped with the Modular Airborne Firefighting System, departs Channel Islands Air National Guard...

Hercs go the distance!
When Hercs outlast Vipers! #f16 #c130 #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #aviationadventures

TACAMO Herc came back to life!
We look back at TACAMO Herc EC-130Q 161531 when she cam back to life in November 2014, before her departure from Tucson. #tacamo #ec130q...

We need to find C-130A manuals!
Ok gang we need your help, we need to find manuals for an A model C-130. Any all help appreciated! #c130 #c130a #herclegacy...