Vandy-1 is almost to California
Hello Parker, AZ. Next stop California for Vandy-1 F-4S 155539. #blackbunnyroadtrip #f4bunnyroadtrip #flynavy #f4phantom #f4s...

Vandy-1 on the move
Vandy-1 F-4S 155539 is on the move #blackbunnyroadtrip #f4bunnyroadtrip #flynavy #f4phantom #f4s #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Vandy-1 is secured for the trip.
Vandy-1 F-4S 155539 is secured and #blackbunnyroadtrip #f4bunnyroadtrip is about to start. #flynavy #f4phantom #f4s #aviationsafari...

Vandy-1 Coffee Mug
We just got our coffee mugs in for the #blackbunnyroadtrip #f4bunnyroadtrip, if you find us we might have an extra one. #flynavy...

Black Bunny Road Trip is about to begin
Ok gang we roll tonight, #blackbunnyroadtrip #f4bunnyroadtrip is starting. Vandy-1 F-4S 155539 is tied down, Arizona Department of...

Vandy 1 F-4S 155539 loading
A look at the load out of Vandy 1 F-4S 155539 of VX-4 for her trip to Castle Air Museum #f4s #vx4 #vandy1 #flynavy #blackbunny...

Vandy 1 F-4S 155539 is loaded
Vandy 1 F-4S 155539 the #BlackBunny is now loaded on trailer, next week she is headed to her new home Castle Air Museum....

#blueangelroadtrip began yesterday for F/A-18C 163429 keep an eye out this week on I-10 as she heads west to her new home at Castle Air...

#blueangelroadtrip F/A-18C 163429
Don’t be OBTUSE! We have the right ANGLE on the #blueangelroadtrip F/A-18C 163429 is on the way to her new home at Castle Air Museum...

F-4S 155539
#f4bunnyroadtrip Taking a look underneath F-4S 155539, we can see the slots for where she held Aim-7 Sparrow missiles #navalaviation...