Phrog Phriday
It’s #phrogphriday and Worldwide aircraft recovery is preparing to load up Lady Ace 9 CH-46E 154803 for her trip tomorrow to Great Park...

Name this Phrog movie
Name this movie, its going our theme with our current Marine Aviation project. #ch46 #phrogsforever #marinesleadtheway #usmc...

Lady Ace 9 walk around
It’s #phrogphriday and here is Lady Ace 9 that Worldwide aircraft recovery is preparing to move to Great Park Orange County at Flying...

USS New Orleans LPH-11
Per request, USS New Orleans LPH-11 passing Naval Base Point Loma while departing San Diego. Check out the birds on deck, CH-53’s,...

Work continues on Lady Ace 9
Blades are off as well as the forward rotor system is out on Lady Ace 9 CH-46E 154803, work continues. #worldwideaircraftrecovery...

Lady Ace 9 CH-46E 154803 blade removal
Work continues today on Lady Ace 9 CH-46E 154803 of VMM-165, with rotor blade removal and preparation for shipment being completed by...

USS Saipan LHA-2 (1981)
Per request, USS Saipan LHA-2 anchored in 1981. You can see she still has her 5in guns mounted. #usssaipan #lha2 #gatornavy #ch46 #phrog...

Check this out
While preparing Lady Ace 9 CH-46E 154803 of VMM-165 Worldwide aircraft recovery discovered this inside her. #phrog #seaknight...

Lady Ace 9
It’s #phrogfriday and the Worldwide aircraft recovery team is back out at MCAS Miramar working on Lady Ace 9 CH-46E 154803 of VMM-165...

Landing at the PANAM Building
Who remembers the iconic PANAM building and New York Airways with the Boeing Vertol 107? #panam #metlifebuilding #vertol107 #ch46...