In COD we Trust!
In #COD we trust! #c2 #c2cod #flynavy #keepingthefleetalive #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

In COD We Trust
In COD We Trust, did you know the C-2 Greyhound has been supporting aircraft carriers for over 50 years! What’s your COD story? #cod...

USS Midway CV-41 (1980)
More #midwaymonday, with a US-3A Viking aboard USS Midway CV-41. Passengers wait to go aboard aircraft, while S-3’s weren’t based aboard...

CMV-22B 169450
Check out CMV-22B 169450 preparing to depart USS Nimitz CVN-68 last month, its the Navy’s new COD. #cmv22b #osprey #cod #ussnimitz...

In COD we trust
In COD we trust! Did you know that the C-2A Greyhound has been supporting US Navy Aircraft Carriers since 1966? Yes she is related to...