Phantom and a Battleship
We can’t resist throwing in a Battleship for #phantomfriday, here is USS New Jersey BB-62 steaming alongside USS Midway CV-41. In the...

It’s #midwaymonday here is USS Midway Museum CV-41 with USS Ranger CV-61 in the background circa 1982 #ussmidway #cv41 #ussranger #cv61...

USS Coral Sea
Here is USS Coral Sea #cva43 in 1960 after her refit, note she has 3 catapults (note small blast deflectors) vs 2 with her sister USS...

USS Midway
#ussmidway here she is post refit in 1970 with an enlarged flight deck, additional and enlarged elevators as well as new steam catapults....

Digging through the archives and with some help we have narrowed down this image of #USSMidway #CV41 in the early 1970’s. Note she still...