Office Day
Office day in the #boneyarddefender nice thing about the C-123 is the shade it can provide…catch the joke? #c123 #usaf #landrover...

Aviation Safari
We are out on the #aviationsafari locating long lost aircraft crashes and honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice. #visittucson...

Boneyard Defender
#BoneyardDefender spotted doing aviation work in the desert. #defenderoffun #tucson #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...

Late hours
Ok gang we are out working late tonight, any ideas what we might be up too…? #boneyarddefender #visittucson #tucson #aviationsafari...

Defender or Tank?
Defender or Tank…. Which would you take? #defender #defender110 #landroverdefender #m60 #m60tank #boneyarddefender #usmc #aviationsafari...

Boneyard Safari Road Trip to Alaska
We are excited to share that this summer we will be heading north to Alaska on our Aviation Safari with the Boneyard Defender. If you...

Aviation Exploration in Arizona
The #boneyarddefender doing aviation exploration last week. Who sees what we see? #defender110 #tucson #visittucson #overlanding...

This weeks Hands on Tours
We love aviation, and love sharing about aviation history on our Hands on Tour. We want to thank the passionate aviation lovers that...

Face Off!
Face off with the #boneyarddefender and a Humvee Avenger today. That Stinger package is awesome! Preparation by Worldwide aircraft...

Which one?
P-3 or the #boneyarddefender? Hmmm… #dof #defenderoffun #p3 #p3orion #lockheed aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...