F2H-2 124988 walk around
Taking a look at F2H-2 124988 that Worldwide aircraft recovery will be moving to Great Park Irvine CA to Flying Leatherneck Aviation...
F4U-5N 122189 walk around
Here is F4U-5N 122189 in the next few months she will be moved by Worldwide Aircraft Recovery to the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museums...

Intruder reunion! ❤️
We had a pair of Intruder aviators stop by today and share their adventures of flying the A-6 in Vietnam. Wow! #a6 #a6intruder #usmc...

Phantom Phriday Boops
It’s time for #Phantomfroday boops, yup we went there! #f4 #f4phantom #phantomsphorever #boopalane #boneyardboop #usmc #marineaviation...

F4U-5N 122189
Good morning from MCAS Miramar, it’s a rainy day so we are indoors checking out F4U-5N 122189. We sure love the Corsair! #f4u...

Aircraft Height
Did you know that the B-25 and TBM Avenger are almost the height…. Random aviation facts. #b25 #tbm #tbmavenger #usmc #marineaviation...

TBM-3E 53726
Here is a look at TBM-3E 53726 of the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum, it is amazing to see the size of this aircraft. #tbm...

Tuesday evening reading material
The fun part of our job is coming across the artifacts that go with aircraft, this a fun Tuesday night read. #bell #214st ##bell214st...

F9F-8P 141722
Check out F9F-8P 141722 of the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum, Worldwide aircraft recovery will be moving her to Great Park Irvine CA....

Heck of a nose
Now that is certainly a nose…. #panther #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum #aviationsafari...