A-6E 154170
Here is a look at A-6E 154170, Worldwide Aircraft Recovery will be moving her to the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museums new home in...

What is this light?
Ok gang we are stumped on this one, what is this light on top of the TBM Avenger wing? #tbm #tbmavenger #usmc #marineaviation...

Skyray Boop
It’s a rainy day at MCAS Miramar, yup we couldn’t resist a boop on F4D 139177 Skyray. Have you booped a Skyray? #f4d #skyray #boopaplane...

Hands on Tour at MCAS Miramar
Today at Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum we had a great history lesson on #phantomfriday from a #Phantom driver sharing his...

Fury Action
How to boop an F4U Corsair! #f4u #f4ucorsair #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum...

How to boop a Corsair
How to boop an F4U Corsair! #f4u #f4ucorsair #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum...

Osprey action
Some Osprey action for the evening. #mv22b #mv22osprey #usmc #marineaviation #worldwideaircraftrecovery #flyingleatherneckaviationmuseum...

Yes it is silly, but we couldn’t resist another boop, especially for CH-53A 153304. #ch53 #ch53superstallion #sikorsky #usmc...

A-4C 148492
Good morning from MCAS Miramar, the storm is passing through and here is a look at A-4C 148492. Love us some Scooters! #a4c #a4skyhawk...

Avenger Tailhook
Walking by Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum’s TBM-3A 53726 Avenger this morning had to stop and look at the tail hook on her. Starting...