Phrog Friday
It’s #phrogfriday with a CH-46 parked next to a V-22 aboard USS Saipan LHA-2, Jan. 1999. #usssaipan #lha2 #gatorboat #usmc...

USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 (1992)
As there was some confusion about USS Iwo Jima, here is LPH-2 that served from 1961 to 1993. In this photo here she is in the Persian...

USS Iwo Jima LHD-7 (2000)
We take look back at the floating (launching) of USS Iwo Jima LHD-7 on February 4th 2000. A good size comparison is the pickup truck off...

USS Wasp LHD-1 (1990)
#otd a look back at USS Wasp LHD-1 underway with crew members manning the rails on September 26th 1990. #usswasp #lhd1 #gatorboat...

MV-22 Osprey
Here is a look at a MV-22 Osprey on the port side elevator of USS Boxer LHD-4 to the hangar bay. #mv22 #osprey #ussboxer #lhd4 #gatorboat...

USS Boxer LHD-4 (2013)
A look at USS Boxer LHD-4 underway during exercise Dawn Blitz in 2013. #lhd4 #ussboxer #gatorboat #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

USS Boxer LHD-4
Here is a look at the well deck aboard USS Boxer LHD-4 being filled with sea water during ballasting for amphibious warfare certification...

USS Tarawa LHA-1 (September 1975)
USS Tarawa LHA-1 underway on sea trials in September 1975. #usstarawa #lha1 #flynavy #gatorboat #gatornavy #navalsafari #aviationsafari...

USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 & USS Harlan County LST-1196
Flashback to 1977 with USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 and USS Harlan County LST-1196 in drydock number eight at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Standing by...

USS Guadalcanal LPH-7 in 1987
A look back at USS Guadalcanal LPH-7 in 1987, check out the variety of defensive weapons. Who can name them? #gatorboat #ussguadalcanal...