Convair action tonight
Here is what we are working on tonight, who loves that Convair nose? #c131 #convair #convair340 #handsontour #tucson #visittucson...

Check out the Convair
Getting ready for today’s Hands on Tour and we are inside a C-131F (Convair 340). #convair #c131 #convair340 #handsontour #tucson...

5th Convair 990
Number 5 is still alive, well hanging on by a thread. This is the 5th Convair 990 built. #convair #convair990 #handsontour #tucson...
Todays Tour
We had a fantastic Hands on Tour with our new friends from across the pond! Cheers mates! #c27 #c27spartan #737 #t37 #c130 #handsontour...

Sonoran Sunrise
Getting ready for todays Hands on Tour and we are having a spectacular Sonoran Sunrise! #c27 #c27spartan #dosairwing #handsontour #tucson...

Aviation Night Photography
Who wants to join us for some night photography? #p3 #p3orion #flynavy #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari...

Star Trails over the Gooney Bird!
We were filming last night, hoping to catch the meteor shower. Would you like to join us and do some nighttime aircraft photography?...

Learn about this Gooney Bird!
Join us and learn about this Gooney Bird! #c47 #dc3 #r4d #c117 #flynavy #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari...

Our Tour has gone to the Dogs!
Our Hands on Tour is certainly going to the dogs, this pup went straight to the left seat in the cockpit. #737 #boeing # cockpit...

Climb aboard a C-47 with us!
It’s time for our Saturday morning Hands on Tour! #c47 #dc3 #r4d #c117 #flynavy #handsontour #tucson #visittucson #aviationsafari...