Herc’s on the Autobahn
Herc on the Autobahn in the 80’s. #c130 #autobahn #vw #usaf #herclegacy #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

C-130A 55-0022
A look back to 2003 when C-130A 55-0022, the oldest Hercules in the USAF and the aircrew of its last operational flight landed at site...

JC-130B 57-0526
Flashback to July 1964 and we see JC-130B 57-0526, her job was to recover satellites returning to earth. She now resides at the Hill...

EC-130Q 161531
Flashback to 2014 when EC-130Q 161531 came back to life and her new tail number was N402CH, she currently is in Abbotsford, British...

NC-130B N707NA
Now that is a Herc with some history. NC-130B N707NA, formerly C-130B 58-0712. #usaf #nasa #c130 #herclegacy #aviationsafari...

Antarctic Ops
Bit more #herclegacy looking back to 1969 with C-130 operations in the Antarctic #c130 #c130hercules #aviationsafari...

Herc on Ice
More #herclegacy, another aspect of the C-130 it could land almost anywhere. Here is a Herc from VXE-6 departing the Antarctic #c130...

Herc Legacy
On the 68th anniversary of the C-130’s first flight, we take another look at the Herc Legacy. Here she is with the mighty Starlifter in...