Office Day
Office day in the #boneyarddefender nice thing about the C-123 is the shade it can provide…catch the joke? #c123 #usaf #landrover...

This weeks Hands on Tours
We love aviation, and love sharing about aviation history on our Hands on Tour. We want to thank the passionate aviation lovers that...

Face Off!
Face off with the #boneyarddefender and a Humvee Avenger today. That Stinger package is awesome! Preparation by Worldwide aircraft...

Locating F-86A 48-0220
We are airing down and locating the crash site of F-86A 48-0220 north of Tucson. #boneyarddefender #landrover #landroverdefender...

Land Rover Face Off!
There was a Landy faceoff this week at Pima Air and Space, which do you like? The classic Series or the newer (90’s) Defender?...

Maintenance Day
Well gang it’s maintenance day for the #boneyarddefender, time for some new brake pads. Back at the Aviation Safari tomorrow....

Check out this Defender
Got to meet Roaming Reckless and check out Poe at Sonoran Rovers this afternoon. Do love the spare tire on the bonnet (hood), follow...

Which is your favorite Defender?
We stopped by Sonoran Rovers this week and got to check out some Defenders that are almost ready for new homes. Love the flooring on...

Flying Defender 110
The #boneyarddefender is flying! No, she is getting some needed TLC and upgrades at Sonoran Rovers by the talented Eric Guin. She will...