Do you see it? Not going to stand under it. #p3 #donotstandhere #lockheed #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

C-130A 56-0497 on the move
Spotted C-130A 56-0497 on I-10 headed west passing through Tucson today. We aren’t a part of this move, anyone know where she is headed?...

P2V on this day
#otd Lockheed P2V-2 or P2V-3 Neptune seen through the porthole of another aircraft, 18 October 1950. #p2v #neptune #lockheed #flynavy...

P2V-7 135547 (1954)
#otd Lockheed P2V-7 135547 Neptune in flight near NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, during flight tests, 5 October 1954. #p2v #neptune...

Which one?
P-3 or the #boneyarddefender? Hmmm… #dof #defenderoffun #p3 #p3orion #lockheed aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...

Who loves the 6 bladed Herc? #c130 #herclegacy #lockheed #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

B-2 & KC-10 Refueling
During the B-2's fifth test flight it is being refueled by a KC-10. The flight lasted one hour and seventeen minutes. Northrop chief...

C-130A 54-1628
We take a look back at C-130A 54-1628, check out that Roman nose. She was the last C-130 side opening aft nose gear doors, check out the...

Caption? #blackbird #sr71 #lockheed #usaf #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

FRED’s first flight
Today is the 55th anniversary of the FRED’s first flight, here is C-5A 66-8303 on her maiden flight. #c5 #c5galaxy #lockheed...