Sea King Saturday
#seakingsaturday, here is an SH-3H from HS-8 flying from USS Constellation CV-64 with ships of the battle group in the background, USS...

Phantom Friday
It’s #phantomfriday here is a Phantom coming back aboard an aircraft carrier, can you identify what ship it is? #usn #usnavy...

Name that aircraft carrier
#navycarriercentennial can you identify this aircraft carrier? #usnavy #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

#navycarriercentennial here is USS Tarawa (1986) returning to San Diego (32nd Street), she still has her 5”/54 guns as well as Sea...

FOD Walk
FOD Walk time, very critical on any airfield and more so onboard an aircraft carrier. Btw who can name this flattop?...

USS Kitty Hawk
Flashback to USS Kitty Hawk returning to San Diego #navycarriercentennial #usskittyhawk #cv63 #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Tomcat Tuesday
More #tomcattuesday here is an F-14 being prepped for launch off of Big John #CV67 #f14 #navalaviation #usnavy #topgun #aviationsafari...

Now that’s a gaggle of Turkey’s and Hornet’s launching off of Indy! #cv62 #ussindependence #navycarriercentennial #f14 #f18...

Building 65
The creation of building 65, here is CVN-65 USS Enterprise under construction. It appears it was built towards the center of the ship...

USS Coral Sea
Here is USS Coral Sea #cva43 in 1960 after her refit, note she has 3 catapults (note small blast deflectors) vs 2 with her sister USS...