Lift off of Atlantis
#otd Launch of Orbiter Atlantis OV-104 STS-66, 3 November 1994. #sts66 #spaceshuttleatlantis #ov104 #nasa #aviationsafari...

Lift Off!
#otd launch of the Atlas-Centaur carrying the Mariner X spacecraft on November 3, 1973. This mission was for the exploration of the...

History was about to be made!
#otd Vought O3U-3 9329 on the midships elevator of USS Yorktown CV-5, 2 November 1937. On 9 November 1937, it became the first plane to...

Perry Class at Sea
#otd Guided missile frigate USS Halyburton FFG-40 underway, 1 November 1985. #usshalyburton #ffg40 #perryclass #frigate #navalsafari...

USS John King DDG-3 (1974)
#otd USS John King DDG-3 off of Norfolk, Virginia, 30 October 1974. #ussjohnking #ddg3 #tincan #destroyersleadtheway #navalsafari...

USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 (1974)
#otd USS Iwo Jima LPH-2 off of Norfolk, Virginia, 30 October 1974. #ussiwojima #lph2 #gatornavy #navalsafari #aviationsafari...

X-36 in Flight
#otd The X-36 technology demonstrator showed off its distinctive shape as the remotely piloted aircraft flew a research mission over the...

USS Olympia C-6 (1919)
#otd USS Olympia C-6 in Malta drydock, 29 October 1919. #c6 #ussolympia #navalsafari #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari

Columbia in Orbit
#otd 29 October 1995 The Kalahari Desert in Namibia, Africa, forms the backdrop for this scene. Five NASA astronauts and two guest...

Big Guns!
#otd Did you know during WWI US Navy sailors operated this railway battery? Seen here placing camouflage over 14-inch Navy gun of the...