Perry Class at Sea
#otd Guided missile frigate USS Halyburton FFG-40 underway, 1 November 1985. #usshalyburton #ffg40 #perryclass #frigate #navalsafari...

Perry Class under construction
Per request, USS Klakring FFG-42 and USS Doyle FFG-39 under construction. #ussklakring #ffg42 #ussdoyle #ffg39 #perryclass #frigate...

USS Doyle FFG-39 (1990)
Per request, USS Doyle FFG-39 underway. Who knows what is about to occur? #ffg39 #ussdoyle #perryclass #navalsafari #aviationsafari...

Frigates under construction
Per request, guided missile frigates Klakring FFG-42, Curts FFG-38 and Underwood FFG-36 under construction at Bath Maine, October 1982. ...

USS Copeland FFG-25 today
The former USS Copeland FFG-25 now serving the Egyptian Navy, as ENS Alexandria F911, here she is alongside USS Lewis B. Puller ESB-3 in...

HMAS Melbourne FFG 05
Love that the Perry Class lives on, here is HMAS Melbourne FFG 05 arriving at Pearl Harbor for RIMPAC 2018. She served Australia from...

USS Ingraham FFG-61 (1993)
Per request, here is a look at USS Ingraham FFG-61 underway in June of 1993. Note the SM-1 hanging on the rail of Mk-13 Mod 4 launcher....

USS Simpson FFG-56
Flashback to 1985 with USS Simpson FFG-56 underway during sea trials. #ffg #perryclass #frigate #flynavy #ffg56 #usssimpson...

USS Gray FF-1054
Taking a look at LAMPS I platform Knox Class Frigate USS Gray FF-1054 with a SH-2 Seasprite aboard. Note the sneaky Perry Class in the...