Looking for a C-47 Fuselage
Ok gang we need your help, we need to locate the front 25ft of a C-47/DC-3/R4D fuselauge for a project. Does not have to have the wings,...

Hands on Tour
We had a last minute Boneyard Safari Hands on Tour this weekend, with a father and son from the Netherlands that braved our heat and...

Hands on Tour Time
Good morning from #tucson, it’s time for another #boneyardsafari Hands on Tour! #handsontour #c27a #747 #c131f #c117 #c47 #r4d...

MC-130H 89-0280 Combat Talon II retires
We had a fun change for today, instead of our hands on tour Shua Photography did a portrait photoshoot. Great backdrop between the...

Behind the Scenes of a Photoshoot
We had a fun change for today, instead of our hands on tour Shua Photography did a portrait photoshoot. Great backdrop between the...
Boneyard Safari Hands on Tour
We had a fantastic #boneyardsafari Hands on Tour yesterday with amazing #Tucson weather. We were thrilled to continue to inspire a...

Good morning from Tucson #c47 #r4d #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #tucson #gooneybird