RF-8G 144617
Even chocked on the ground the Crusader looks fast, here is RF-8G 144617 of VMCJ-3. #f8 #f8crusader #rf8 #rf8g #vmcj3 #usmc...

Passing Gas
Now there’s a pair, KC-130F 148246 refueling RF-8 144613 of VFP-63 from USS Hancock CVA-19, March 1971 over the Gulf of Tonkin. #c130...

Passing Gas
Scooter passing gas to a Crusader, which is your favorite? #flynavy #navalaviation #rf8 #f8crusader #a4skyhawk #aviationpreservation...

Trapping aboard USS Kitty Hawk
#usskittyhawk who has trapped aboard #cv63? What is the notable aircraft aboard her in this picture? #usnavy #navalaviation...