F-14’s over San Diego Bay
Pair of Turkey’s flying over San Diego Bay in the late 80’s. A lot has changed in downtown San Diego you can see the old San Diego...

Which is your favorite?
Which is your favorite the F-14 or the MiG-28 (F-5)? #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari #tomcat #topgun...

Because I Was Inverted
#becauseiwasinverted yup we found a great shot of a Turkey inverted. #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari...

Tomcat Missile Loadout
More #tomcattuesday what’s your favorite #missile load out on an #f14, here are 6 AIM-54 Phoenix. #navalaviation #aviationsafari...

More #tomcattuesday here are two F-16N (F-16C/D Block 30) aggressors taking off with a Turkey in the background. They were in service...

F-14 Overflight
It’s #tomcattuesday here are four of them flying over #CVN69 USS Eisenhower #f14 #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

F14A 160684
It’s #tomcattuesday here is F14A 160684 at Pima Air and Space #F14 #topgun #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

Top Gun Saturday
It’s Saturday afternoon so why not! #topgun #f14 #ifeeltheneedtheneedforspeed #navalaviation #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...

It’s #tomcattuesday and here is another one from the archives this #tomcat off the coast of San Diego #f14 #aviationsafari...

#tomcattuesday F-14D 159600
It’s #tomcattuesday here is F-14D 159600 at Fort Worth Aviation Museum #f14 #navalaviation #topgun #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation...